Comedy News

Derby Comedy’s journey has begun!

Today is a big day, not really for everyone, for those involved in putting this together it certainly is!

Today is the launch of our organisation ‘Derby Comedy’, a collective run by comedians that aims to help, support, nurture and grow the collective comedy scene in Derby. Showcasing to anyone that’s willing to listen what’s going on in & around the comedy scene in Derby.

Our mission has 3 simple aims that we’ve laid out on our website. But we can highlight them for you right here:

  • Help audiences find all the great comedy nights that happen across the city and surrounding area.
  • Rebuild an Independent Comedy Festival for Derby that we grow over time
  • Improve Derby’s profile with the comedy industry itself.

It’s all very exciting and we can’t wait to get stuck on, we’re already got to work with getting the Ram Comedy Festival 2025 to make a return after a 4 year absence (6 years if ignore the ‘virtual years’ of remote shows due to a silly pandemic).

So make sure you keep following our socials and check back here for blasts of what’s happening in Derby. With our comedy night calendar and news announcements we’ll keep you in the loop of the Derby Comedy Scene.

Author: DerbyComedy